Master Plant Dietas

Master plant diets are the way to receive healing, wisdom and medicine from one of the many powerful plant teachers that, together with Ayahuasca, form the ecosystem of Amazonian Medicinal Plants.

While you are here, the plant teacher you diet will help you deepen in your healing process, teaching you, healing you and guiding you as you work on your issues—in ceremony, in your day and even in dreams. After you leave, the plant you’ve dieted will be with you for the rest of your days, guiding you and helping you live a better life.


Listed below are the master plants we most commonly prescribe, though we work with many others as well. If you are interested in dieting a particular master plant that you do not see here, please contact us for more information.


Ojé is a powerful tree that brings a lot of light and strong medicine to the dieter. An Ojé diet is the Shipibo go-to for cleaning the mind and body of the residual contaminants of all types of drugs and strong addictions.

Piñon Blanco

Piñon Blanco’s beautiful medicine connects the dieter to the light (his world is pure light!), and helps them open their spiritual connection. It is a good introductory diet for those without a history of substance abuse.


Bobinsana is a plant of protection, longevity and strength—mental, physical and spiritual. Her powerful medicine dispels doubts, boosts self-esteem, increases energy levels and makes one less susceptible to illness. Her world is full of beautiful flowers and water spirits.


Tamamuri is a medicinal tree used to enhance the physical body and remove physical pain such as joint, hip or back pain. Tamamuri can also be dieted to learn the medicine and study shamanism.

Chiric Sanango

Chiric Sanango is a powerful plant that heals physical pains. With its heat, Chiric removes cold energies from the body, which are the cause of pains, and fortifies one against the cold. She also teaches shamanism if dieted long-term.


Coca is the sacred plant of the Incas. It connects a dieter to the medicine and gold of the Incas. Coca eliminates all weakness, heaviness and sluggishness from the body, while also strengthening it.

Ajo Sacha

Ajo Sacha opens the heart and improves the quality of relationships in one’s life. It can also be used to clean and heal the blood, the nerves, and any type of addictions and drugs.


Shihuahuaco is a very strong, protective tree. When you diet Shihuahuaco, it is said that your body becomes as strong as the tree, which has one of the hardest woods. Shihuahuaco also increases self-esteem and energy levels.


Marosa is a plant of love and heart opening. She helps the dieter increase their self-confidence and self-esteem, and to become more centered emotionally.

Nihue Rao

Nihue Rao is the center’s namesake, and a sacred plant to Maestro Ricardo and the Shipibo, as Nihue Rao’s spirits are the ancient Shipibo shamans, the merayas. Nihue Rao‘s God-connected medicine opens the dieter’s mind, as they learn about the cosmos and God’s energies. Through Nihue Rao, one can also spiritually reach and diet Noya Rao. This is a shamanic learning diet only and requires a 6 or 12 month commitment.


Ayahuma is a very powerful tree with a vast medicine. In a short healing diet, Ayahuma helps clean strong negative energies quickly, often times through baths taken with the tree’s seeds. In a 3 to 12 month diet, Ayahuma first cleans the dieter, then teaches them shamanism and the ícaros, opening their Ayahuasca world and their visions, and bringing many shamanic experiences.


The Oración diet connects the dieter to all of God’s Medicine, plus God’s own energies: His Strength, Light, Love, Peace, Intelligence, and so on. Since God created all the medicinal plants, dieting God’s Medicine directly is like dieting all the plants. This will help heal everything for the dieter. Ricardo is one of the few shamans who can connect dieters to the Oración diet; he received this power after many years of dieting and dedication to the medicine.

“When you have a diet, you have light in your heart. This light protects you. Do you know why? Because bad spirits don’t like light, so they will not get close to you. This light will guide you wherever you find yourself in the world. You must make this light grow.

Maestro Ricardo Amaringo

Additional Plant Remedies

Flower Bath

Twice a week, we prepare a flower bath made with a selection of beautifully aromatic medicinal plants. These baths clean and protect the body as the person diets and protects them for ceremony. As you wear the energy of these plants, you also more prone to attracting love and luck!

Purgative (Vomitivo)

On the day of your first ceremony, you’ll drink a preliminary traditional remedy called a purgative. This remedy cleans the stomach and the body, causing frequent vomiting, and is necessary in order to receive the Ayahuasca brew properly. It’s a preparation of two traditional Shipibo medicinal plants: a lily called Azucena, which is combined with sap of a tree called Ojé.


For local pain or certain health conditions, our shamans may prescribe a topical application of various medicinal plants. This external cataplasm may be prescribed for several days during your journey.

The Heart of Ayahuasca Is Here

Mother Ayahuasca is calling you...

Join us for a retreat and experience the true medicine.

Ayahuasca is legal in Peru. The Peruvian government declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation, “the traditional knowledge and use of the ayahuasca practiced by the indigenous native communities of the Amazon…”

941 Calle Los Angeles Asent. Modelo San Juan Bautista Maynas Iquitos – Peru  ::  WhatsApp / Phone: +51 918 293 372 ::  E-mail:

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