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The True Medicine is the guide we give to our pasajeros to help them understand how to work with Ayahuasca and their master plant diet.
Put together by two of Ricardo’s apprentices, this booklet contains the core teachings of the Maestro, and it aims to help you get up to speed in the Medicine World as fast as possible so you can get the most out of your time with us.
We bring these teachings to you in bite-sized lessons that you can digest at your own pace as your retreat progresses. They cover everything from how to harness the power of an Ayahuasca ceremony to heal yourself, to how to work with your shaman so they can help you more—and then some.
If you enjoy it, feel free to pass it along!
“The Song That Calls You Home” is a personal, scientific and mystical exploration of Amazonian curanderismo – with focus on Ayahuasca and Master Plants, their healing and visionary properties and risks – along with the wondrous world of the Shipibo people and Song.
Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual is one of the main locations featured in this beautiful documentary, along with interviews and ícaros by Maestro Ricardo Amaringo.
Ayahuasca is legal in Peru. The Peruvian government declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation, “the traditional knowledge and use of the ayahuasca practiced by the indigenous native communities of the Amazon…”
941 Calle Los Angeles Asent. Modelo San Juan Bautista Maynas Iquitos – Peru :: WhatsApp / Phone: +51 910 316 715 :: E-mail: nihuerao@gmail.com
© 2025 Nihue Rao Centro Espiritual