
Testimony of the Initiation of Master Amaringo


Originally published by Servindi on 16/05/2024. Written by Policarpo Sánchez Rodríguez.


Testimony of the Initiation of Master Amaringo


During my time at the Nihue Rao Spiritual Center, located on the outskirts of the city of Iquitos, in the Nanay River basin, I met Brother Ricardo Amaringo Benetillo, known by his Shipibo name “Sani.” He is a recognized Shipibo ayahuasquero master, 58 years old, from the Native Community of Vista Alegre de Masisea, in the Upper Ucayali region.

Here, I share his fascinating testimony of initiation into the world of ancestral knowledge of traditional medicine and the practice of Shipibo shamanism.

Master Ricardo Amaringo begins his testimony by noting that he had a childhood and youth filled with many difficulties, lacking even direct affection from his biological parents: his father Raúl Amaringo Benetillo and his mother Ercilia Ahuanari (who passed away at the age of 30). Due to ignorance and their inability to take on the responsibilities of raising him, his parents gave him up for adoption to some uncles, who raised him in their family.

He continues, saying, “I began my first steps into shamanism around the age of 14. Before that, around 1980 in the Upper Ucayali, as part of our culture, I was offered in marriage to a Shipibo girl of about 12 years old, which I had to reject because my inner self told me that I had a mission to fulfill, and taking on family responsibilities at that time was not yet part of my life.

By the age of 17, I was already taking ayahuasca regularly. But I want to make it clear that before this significant step in my life, I was skeptical of shamanism. As a young man detached and abandoned by my biological parents, living in the city of Pucallpa, I went through marijuana and cocaine use. I suffered greatly, cried a lot in my loneliness, and turned to drugs in those moments. With a voice caught in his throat, half sobbing, Amaringo says, ‘My God, why did you make me this way?’ I cried. I had a lot of hatred toward people, children, and young people my age, a deep resentment.

During those times, I also visited the home of Master Guillermo Arévalo in Yarinacocha. I saw that his family lived happily, ate well, and his children were in better conditions than I was. So, I asked Guillermo Arévalo to teach me shamanism. ‘I will think about it,’ he said. He said this because he knew that I was, at that time, a young man with bad thoughts (rami shinanya, in Shipibo).

Guillermo Arévalo refused to be my spiritual teacher, my initiator, because he knew I had bad thoughts. At that time, I thought that shamans, onanyabo, merayabo, necessarily had to have an initiator master, and that only through the masters or their guidance came shamanic knowledge. Then, asking other elders, they told me that in the past, beginners in shamanism dieted (samati in Shipibo) without a master, relying instead on the power of the master plants themselves, on the properties of the plants (raobo in Shipibo). Of course, it is necessary to have the spiritual accompaniment of someone experienced and spiritually ordered for this purpose.

An older woman named María told me to start the diet with the plant ‘marrosa’ (Shipibo name) (1). I started dieting. I was greatly surprised that with the diet of the marrosa, I forgot about drugs and alcohol, clearing my mind of my mental disturbances. Before, I was totally traumatized, feeling tired, bored, and lazy (chikishires in Shipibo).

Master Ricardo Amaringo states emphatically and confidently that thanks to the plant diet, he completely freed himself from his drug addictions and mental imbalances. ‘Samatax ea benxoa iki,’ says Ricardo Amaringo with a smile on his lips. My mind had been blocked, filled with doubt, distrust, resentment, and confusion about my life (shinan tsokax in Shipibo), to the point where I had suicidal thoughts. Drug addiction has a solution; with the icaros and the ingestion of ayahuasca, one heals, Master Ricardo Amaringo shares from personal experience.

Ayahuasca (2) and the master plants transformed me, centered my life; ayahuasca itself cured me, the spirit of ayahuasca itself, Master Ricardo Amaringo emphasizes. Then, the body, soul, and spirit are even in a condition to meet the gods. The master and sacred plants lead us to the power of God. Later, I did a diet of Toé (3) with white flowers.

Toé Plant
Toé Plant

Then I dieted with Nihue Rao (name in Shipibo), “air medicine” in Spanish. He had obtained this plant in a ravine that passes through the land or mountain where the Tushmo town center currently sits, in Yarinacocha. “Nihue Rao samati riki nete kepenti”, that is, with this plant the possibilities and powers are opened to find the various worlds of healing and goodness, as Don Ricardo Amaringo tells us.

Nihue Rao Plant

After a year of dieting with these master plants, Guillermo Arévalo found out and sent for me. I had told him that I was just starting out, but Master Guillermo Arévalo had already seen me through the ayahuasca and considered that I was ready to heal or conduct ayahuasca sessions or rituals. That’s how I began working in Yarinacocha with Master Guillermo Arévalo.

Currently, Don Ricardo Amaringo Benetillo is a prestigious ayahuasquero master and a notable spiritual leader. He has been managing the growth and positioning of the Nihue Rao Spiritual Center for over 15 years, without having pursued extensive formal academic education in the Western tradition.

His entrepreneurial success is remarkable and admirable. He got married after the age of 35 to Mrs. Dany Estela Muñoz Vásquez and has three relatively young children: Carlos Andrés, 17, Ricardo, 15, and Lali, 13. He notes that, so far, he has attended to and healed more than 2,800 people, both nationals and foreigners, throughout his career as a shaman.

Nihue Rao Spiritual Center

The Nihue Rao Spiritual Center is located in the Llanchama Hamlet, a 90-minute drive from the city of Iquitos, Peru.

Email: nihuerao@gmail.com

Their website is: https://nihuerao.com/our-pricings/ and their Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/NihueRao.

Nihue Rao Spiritual Center

About the Author: Policarpo Sánchez Rodríguez is an indigenous facilitator and communicator in local development processes and for indigenous peoples, with experience in the intercultural articulation of indigenous peoples in public policies and with private sectors. He is specialized in developing work methodologies with an intercultural, socio-environmental, and forestry focus, as well as integrating and involving indigenous peoples in contemporary contexts. He has over 35 years of experience in technical support and facilitation of the social processes of indigenous peoples. Email: wbpolicarpo@gmail.com

(1) Scientific name: Bougainvillea sp

(2) Scientific name: Banisteriopsis caapi

(3) Scientific name: Brugmansia suaveolens


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  • Teddyjuh

    יוצא דופן. מגיעים לכאן חיילים וסטודנטים, רווקים ונשואים, דתיים וחילוניים. כל מי שצריך בילוי נעים, ואינו יכול להזמין נערות ליווי נעימה ולתת לגוף את מה שהוא צריך. בילוי שכזה יסיר ממך את כל הדאגות וימלא אותך באנרגיות חיוביות ותחושה גברית נעימה. continue

  • Timothycon

    בהנאה גדולה, בעולם שכל כולו להט יצרים. אתה תתרגש ותלהט עד שתחווה פורקן משחרר ונפלא. דירות דיסקרטיות בתל אביב – לבלות בלי השבוע או אמצע השבוע, תמיד יש כאן נערות חרמניות שרוצות לארח גברים ולבלות יחדיו. אז אם זה מה שהחיים נותנים לך, למה לא ליהנות read contentsays:

  • KendallTob

    זהו מקום בילוי המעניק לא רק תנאים נוחים אלא גם דיסקרטיות מלאה המתאימה לצרכים של אנשי עסקים וגברים שלהם חשובה הדיסקרטיות. דירות והאינטימי שהגוף שלך צריך. כאשר אתה תראה את הנערות אתה פשוט תשתגע. מדובר בנערות היפות ביותר שאפשר למצוא בעיר. כולן מציגות סקס בבאר שבע

  • RubenErulk

    יש לך יותר מידי דאגות בראש? זהו בדיוק הזמן להרים את הטלפון ולהזמין נערות ליווי בתל אביב. ניתן להזמין אותן לדירתך או לבית המלון הזמן נערות ליווי בתל אביב. הנערות היפות ביותר בארץ יטפלו בך, ויגרמו לך להרגיש כמו נסיך. הו יעשו זאת באהבה רבה. נערות ליווי פינוק אינטימי בהזמנה

  • Shawndrets

    דירות דיסקרטיות בחיפה הן לא סתם מקום שאתה רוצה להיות בו. זהו המקום שבו אתה פשוט חייב להיות. נערות ליווי בתל אביב להנאה על הדיסקרטיות. דירות דיסקרטיות בתל אביב הן בדיוק המקום שבו מקפידים לשמור על הדיסקרטיות שלכם, ולאפשר לכם ליהנות ללא דאגות. אם דירות סקס באשקלון

  • Irvingdax

    והן יעניקו לך בילוי ללא דאגות. השירות זמין 24 שעות ביממה ו – 7 ימים בשבוע. תמיד יש לך על מי לסמוך. תמיד ניתן להזמין מישהי עד הבית, או בבית המלון, והכל ב 100% דיסקרטיות. כך שאתה יכול להרגיש בטוח בעת הבילוי עם נערות ליווי בחיפה. אם אתה לבד בדירתך these details

  • Gordonexish

    Кавказская мазь https://kavkazmaz.ru для суставов купить в аптеке. Официальный сайт производителя Кавказской мази от боли в суставах.

  • RobertNam

    כאשר יש בילוי או מסיבה, ורוצים להרים את מצב הרוח אפשר תמיד להזמין אותן. גברים אוהבים להגשים את החלומות שלהם. וזה נכון גם כאשר על הדיסקרטיות. דירות דיסקרטיות בתל אביב הן בדיוק המקום שבו מקפידים לשמור על הדיסקרטיות שלכם, ולאפשר לכם ליהנות ללא דאגות. אם נערת ליווי בנהריה

  • WesleyTrofe

    להעניק עיסוי אירוטי, ועוד הרבה יותר מזה. הן יודעות כיצד לנהוג עם גוף הגבר, היכן לגעת והיכן ללחוץ. נערות ליווי בחיפה מכירות את מבקש. החיים האלו לפעמים מלאים בדאגות, ובדיוק בשביל זה אנחנו צריכים לבלות ולהירגע. ויש כל מיני סוגים של בילויים שאפשר ליהנות נערת ליווי בתל אביב

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